
Why Dog Training Collars are a Versatile Training Option


Many pet owners often become concerned with the idea of administering a static shock to their dog via an e-collar. With our line of training collars, pet owners can rest easy knowing that they have a range of different options when finding the best option for their companion. Our electric collars come with 4 different types of remote activation technology:

A beep tone that will sound from the dog’s collar/receiver
A vibration that will rumble the dog’s collar/receiver
A static shock that will be sent to the dog through the collar/receiver

Our e-collar even have a “light up” function to help find your dog in the dark

As you can see, our line of products offer a wide range of options to go about training your dog. The best part? The vibration and static function allow you to administer a static shock ranging from 1 to 100, which allows you to even further narrow down the most suitable training for your dog!

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