
Why dogs barking too much or frantically when triggered by a sight, smell or sound


Many dog owners have troubles with theirMany dog owners have troubles with their dog barking too much or frantically when they are triggered by a sight, smell or sound (doorbell ringing). Why is this a problem? . Why is this a problem? Because when a dog is set into such a frantic state, the animal can become unpredictable. A common stop barking device that’s suggested are bark collars.
Pet owners often use bark collarsas a first line of training when dealing with a barking dog to no avail. Collars that simply react to a dogs barking do not always have the intended effect of the device: training the dog to stop barking in the first place. Not to mention, bark collars can be inaccurate and not dependable, as they will sometimes deliver stimulation when the dog is not barking as they sense throat vibrations, not the actual bark. These are the reasons we usually suggest, dog training collars as a more viable training solution.
Below are 3 reasons why barking can become a problem, and how our dog training collars can better assist with barking.
Barking can be sign of aggression: Has your pet ever barked uncontrollably at a person or another dog? It can be frightening at times, for some owners, because barking can sometimes be a sign of excitement, but it can also be a sign of aggression. The difference between excitement and aggression can be hard to distinguish to an inexperienced owner. A dog barking uncontrollably can also cause a panic response in adults, children and other pets. Having the ability to control your pets uncontrollable barking allows an otherwise escalating situation to cease to exist.
It is not easy to silence a dog with vocal commands: Has your dog ever been agitated, excited or begin to sporadically bark from a certain event? If so, your first reaction was probably to raise your voice, call the dog’s name or repeatedly call vocal commands to calm your pet. Does it work? Most of the time, not so much. With a dog training collar at your disposal, you will be able to combine vocal commands with static shock stimulation to immediately nip the problem in the bud.